Burnham House, Linden Homes
The Problem
A 1950s dilapidated former school in Hampshire, with NHBC building guarantee requirements for specialist investigations as part of refurbishment into residential units and discharge of warranty conditions.
A large scale, national housing developer approached H+R to satisfy the requirements within the confines of a tight project timetable.
H+R specialise in risk management and discharge of warranty provider conditions in the most cost-effective and pragmatic way based on detailed on-site investigation.

The Solution
H+R investigated the existing masonry structure for sources of water penetration or damp and for material condition; fail safe remedial damp-proofing measures were recommended and a schedule of masonry repairs was complied.
The timber roof structure was investigated for decay; localised repair and strengthening works were recommended which allowed the majority of the existing structure to be retained which the developer client had anticipated would have to be replaced.
The presence of adequate wall ties and lintels were also confirmed representing a cost saving against the warranty provider recommendations to replace or renew these structures.
Swift site attendance was organised by H+R and reports were compiled detailing cost effective remedial works required.
Works on site were able to progress without delay, especially to the roof which had been un-covered for several months.
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