Failure of Render Finishes
The Problem
A major property developer constructed a row of new high-value architect designed houses on the south coast. From occupancy, the owners complained of staining to the decoratively coloured south facades.
They also complained of localised problems with intermittent water penetration. The designers, contractors and developer’s customer care team had been unable to determine the cause of the problems.

“H+R reports and recommendations identified the cause of the defects, and allowed us to manage a potentially difficult situation.” Customer Care

The Solution
H+R found that the render coats had been applied significantly thinner than recommended by the manufacturers. This allowed cyclical intermittent water penetration and efflorescence, particularly where the buildings were ‘very exposed’, as defined in BS8104.
Other defects were found allowing water penetration around windows, balconies and thresholds during wind driven rain. This was due to inadequate detailing to cope with the ‘very exposed’ conditions, and the ‘static air pressure differential’ across the structures.
We advised the client on liability for the failures found, as well as cost-effective remedial measures. This allowed the problems to be resolved to the satisfaction of all concerned.
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