The Charter School Chateau Main Door
The Problem
The former hospital structure was completed circa 1887. The large and impressive main door leaves and frame were original to this period with remarkably little previous intervention or repair noted considering the buildings long usage as both a school and a hospital. The doors were subject to multiple areas of minor damage and cosmetic issues. Internal faces of the door leaves had been subject to multiple paint schemes/build-up over time, some of which were highly probable to contain traces of lead. External faces were finished in varnish and had largely failed from UV damage and weathering. The doors were judged to be a significant historic asset to the property and considered vulnerable to damage or theft during the works.

The Solution
H+R carried out a detailed investigation of the historic doors to determine their construction and condition. A comprehensive set of CAD drawings was generated of both internal and external faces to the leaves so that defects could be indicated accurately and the works cost.
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