April 2018

More focus on fewer but larger projects summarised the month. In addition, two new surveying staff joined the team. Andrew Ellis had a training as a conservation carpenter and timber framer before completing his MSc in Building Conservation at West Dean and York University. Matthew Wellesley-Smith has joined H+R from Natural Building Technologies and has specialist knowledge in the field of insulation and condensation risk management which are key elements of H+R’s offer. Matt has just completed his MSc at Oxford Brookes. Both have a coincidental connection with Brazil with Andrew having travelled the length of the Amazon over 6 months in a boat he built himself and Matt having worked as a cattle rancher for several years
In the month, our work at Grafton Street has gathered pace with H+R staff working on the project nearly every day. We have also been providing forensic condition and performance investigations on problematic new build projects for a public school in Winchester, the Swedish Embassy, Waverley Borough Council and for Grosvenor Estates
Other projects ranged from the Tudor Quadrangle at Fulham Palace to the listed and iconic 1930s Eli Lilly building in Basingstoke