April 2019

Two major projects for H+R have started in the month which keep the survey teams from the Manchester and Guilford offices on their toes. The first is Tunstall Town Hall where H+R have been commissioned to undertake a very wide range of specialist investigations covering the external envelope and also the internal structures. The building is in a very dilapidated condition and is now subject to an extensive Local Authority backed complete refurbishment to be re-purposed as a Library The second project covers the remaining buildings at Colchester Cavalry Barracks ranging from the small forge up to the very large stable and trooper barrack blocks. There are plenty of echoes of the past, when a whole regiment and their horses would have been in residence, not least in the graffiti. Again, H+R have been commissioned to cover all the component building elements including steel and chimney structures
Amongst other projects have been the row of thirteen London townhouses forming the Green Park Hotel adjacent to our longstanding In & Out Club site. H+R have also started very specialist environmental measurement and plaster condition investigations of the Chapel at Blenheim Palace. A very notable commission for the company and an addition to the growing portfolio of work undertaken by our new Oxford office