April 2023

The month has been notable for engagement at theatres in the West End of London. Three leading theatres have been investigated for issues mainly relating to the effects of penetrating damp. Having unfettered access to the ‘back of house’ has been an educative and interesting experience for the surveyors involved. As a result the ‘gilt has come off the gingerbread’ for them
Major work in Scotland has included further work at the Scottish Co-op Discovery and Activity Centre www. www.westlothian.gov.uk, the Lockerbie Sawmill, the Scottish National gallery and a return after eight years to the former Royal High School in Edinburgh where the current Scottish Parliament began its days. This current development and refurbishment will be the be largest in Edinburgh for some time to come
In Cambridge, work was concluded at the Pepys Library at Magdalene College and also in Portugal Street for St John’s. Nearby in Saffron Walden the client behind the development of the huge former Friends School have engaged H+R to help discharge Building Warranty provider conditions
In London, H+R have been engaged at the impressive hidden gem of Two Temple Place www.twotempleplace.org. In addition, several projects have been activated for significant longstanding landed London Estates
In the North-West much work continues at Liverpool Cathedral and also at the former Duckworth Essence Factory in Manchester and the ‘Barana Warehouse’ in Birmingham. In the East of England historic building work in the towns of Fakenham, Bury St Edmunds and Great Yarmouth predominated

Main image – Magdalene College. (2022). Magdalene College Cambridge. https://www.magd.cam.ac.uk/pepys/building.