August 2017

Some truly impressive project work came H+R’s way in August despite it being a classic holiday month. Specialist timber condition and service life investigations were undertaken at Buckingham Palace and Leeds Castle in Kent. In addition, the rare dovecote at Tendring Park in Suffolk was surveyed as part of the overall Natural England scheme for the estate which is being project managed by H+R
An H+R surveyor was amused to come across a resident urban fox that had taken up residence high in the clock tower of St Clement’s Hospital development in Tower Hamlets
The H+R Stage 1 risk management surveys for the Great Northern Warehouse £300m development in Manchester have been completed with plans to develop the project over the next 10 years
Various refurbishment projects that H+R have been heavily involved with over the last year have featured prominently in the media this Month. Fawley Court in Henley was extensively covered in Country Life, Pitshill and Glynde Place in Sussex have won prestigious HHA awards for their refurbishments (congratulations to Giles Quarme Associates) and Pitzhanger Manor was covered in the national press
Work for the National Trust has included investigations of roof structures at the Vyne and retained moisture issues at Nymans
Unusual project work has included façade retention consultancy at the old Gaumont cinema in Streatham and timber investigations at the Accumilator tower in Bermondsey