East – Year Review 2019

The past twelve months has been busy for the H+R eastern office. Commissions from English Heritage have included consultancy and contract administration services for urgent works at various scheduled sites in Norfolk based on their Flint & Rubble Masonry Safety Survey (FARMSS) and also preparation of specifications for repairs to at-risk structures and preliminary work for the repair and operation of Sibsey Trader Windmill in Lincolnshire. Much of the high-level work at the FARMSS sites has been carried out in association with Joe Picalli of Building Conservation Solutions Ltd providing rope-access services for inspection, removal of vegetation and flintwork repairs
Condition surveys, repair projects and consultancy services have been provided for commercial, private and public clients involving listed buildings, ancient monuments and undesignated, yet historically important, buildings and structures. Sadly this has included a number of churches suffering lead theft from roofs. Despite (or in spite of) Brexit there has been an increase in pre-purchase surveys of listed and unlisted buildings although this aspect has quietened during the current Covid crises
David Watt continues as an honorary senior research fellow in the UCL Centre for Sustainable Heritage, providing lectures for MSc Sustainable Heritage students and helping with student dissertations. There have also been lectures and CPD sessions given to academic and professional groups
The current year started with a move for the H+R eastern office to new offices in Newark, which provides opportunity for expansion in the future. H+R are planning to add to the team this summer
Despite the coronavirus, H+R are still working where we can operate within current guidance. On a positive note it gives time to catch up on research and development as well as various office-based tasks. There is always a silver lining!