January 2017

A Happy New Year to all those interested in H+R!
January has proved to be more of a retrospective month in relation to project work. While new enquiries and discussions about prospective schemes have been incessant, there has been time to catch up with outstanding investigative consultancy around the country.
Input has ranged geographically from updating environmental monitoring systems at Bodmin Town Hall, to an overall wood boring insect infestation risk management report on a Jacobean mansion outside Dorking to undertaking a survey to conform to the Association of British Theatre Technicians (ABTT) Guidance note 20 for Caird Hall in Dundee.
In the month, we completed the snagging investigations on the contemporary structures at the Winchester University Student Village and have been providing scientific environmental monitoring and analysis on two major schemes in West London.
Of particular interest was the appointment to advise on mould growth on a unique example of vernacular architecture in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.