June 2023

The month has seen quite a focus on the East of England with on-going investigative consultancy at the re-modelling of Ipswich Museum and also at Lowestoft Town Hall supporting the Conservation Architects, Richard Griffiths associates https://www.rgarchitects.com/. In addition, our work has begun in Saffron Walden at the huge former Friends School development. For those who don’t know the town, it is an exemplar for the preservation of the medieval timber framed streetscape. The town was re-named with the pre-fix Saffron in around 1500 due to the extensive cultivation of the saffron crocus in the locality. It was originally mainly used as a yellow dye for the burgeoning wool industry. It remains the most expensive spice in the world, weight for weight the same as gold – its name originates from the Arabic word Za’ faran
H+R have returned to Blickling Hall in Norfolk for the National Trust as part of the long-term engagement there in monitoring wood boring insect infestation. Back in the South-East, H+R have secured one of their larger commissions from the Crown Estate where a whole block in Regent’s Street requires a condition review focussed on the external envelope