March 2020

Coronavirus has been a big challenge in the month for every individual and every business to come to terms with both prior to and after the 23 March lockdown start. Like many professionals in the construction industry, the wearing of fitted masks, gloves, overalls and PPE as well as regular hand washing has not been such a strange concept for H+R surveyors. It is often their daily lot. This has allowed the company to quickly develop COVID-19 risk assessments and method statements to keep clients and staff safe. Where it has been possible to undertake specialist survey work, we have done so, as H+R surveyors found themselves designated as ‘key workers’ to enable critical work for Health Boards on re-purposing buildings. This work has more than soaked up any spare capacity through the temporary closure of construction sites
Prior to the most severe lockdown restrictions coming into force and the closure of sites, H+R were very busy on projects including at the old Branston Pickle factory in Bermondsey and at Sackville House for a heritage trust. In addition, as key workers on some projects, work continued on operational London Fire Brigade stations that were experiencing a range of problems. Further specialist packages were also undertaken at Tower Hamlets Town Hall and Blackberry Hospital in Bristol