May 2019

148-44 Former Parklands School

Despite Brexit uncertainty beginning to affect decision making amongst some areas of the industry, H+R have continued to secure some very interesting commissions. On some projects this month, the H+R drones have been deployed to good effect.  H+R drone pilots are CAA qualified for commercial flying

As usual, the range of structures that we have been involved with has been eclectic and it has been particularly gratifying to visit Bentley Priory in Stanmore where there have been continuing performance issues with aspects of the external envelope since conversion back in 2013

Bentley Priory has a fascinating wartime history as the HQ of Fighter Command. Every notable wartime figure had been through its doors and the museum is deeply impressive  As H+R seem to track St John Soane’s work it came as no surprise that he had been responsible for extending and refurbishing the building in the 1780s

H+R completed consultancy at Blenheim Palace Chapel and returned to the highly listed Eli Lilly ‘White Building’ in Basingstoke. Extensive resources were dedicated to surveying all of the Cavalry Barrack buildings in Colchester. Overall, buildings from every century since the 12th century, including the 21st, have been investigated for one reason or another during the month. Of course this is not unusual for H+R but it is remarkable nonetheless

Bentley Priory
Author: Carissa
Published on Last updated 25th August 2023

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