May 2020

During the month, development sites that H+R are involved with have progressively re-opened. Fortunately, most H+R survey work is not affected by the need to preserve social distance. Despite the troubling times, the humour of the average builder was evident with one contractor’s poster urging operatives to ‘do as Brucie says’ with the strapline ‘nice – two metres, two metres – nice’!
By the end of May, new enquiry levels were almost back to normal which, combined with existing public sector work, did not leave much room for reflection. All H+R staff have been very busy. Apart from the usual array of fascinating historic buildings and their notable occupants, a particular emphasis in the month has been our investigative consultancy in resolving building failures on contemporary structures. Invariably this relates to their vulnerability to wind driven rain and poorly detailed rainwater drainage systems. All of the structures investigated were highly rated by architectural critics on original construction. Apart from this work, not unusually, H+R have been extensively involved during the month with investigations covering buildings representative of every century from the 21st back to the 14th all over the UK