May 2024

H+R surveyors are pleased to be involved with the progressive renovation of the fascinating church of St Bartholomew’s The Great, adjacent to our other project work at Smithfield Market and Barts Hospital. To work so high, on this occasion, around the timber cupola was to have a privileged overview of the City of London
The stunning Heythorp House in Oxfordshire benefitted from some careful analysis of incipient damp and decay issues affecting the magnificent interiors. Original internal rainwater downpipes were subject to CCTV inspection and the suspected ‘smoking gun’ identified. Drone deployment to risk assess the fire damaged roof of a significant house in the West Country was much appreciated by the Project Team and extensive surveys in the Sicilian Quarter in Bloomsbury revealed an interesting history of the use of Italian marbles throughout as specified by the Architect on original construction
Faraday House in Hampton Court was assessed in detail. The House was the last home of Michael Faraday and was gifted to him by Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. He had previously lived in a flat above the Royal Institution in Albemarle Street. A building also surveyed by H+R some years ago
Further historic buildings included Syon Park, Dora House (the home of the Royal Society of Sculptors) Kneller Hall (the pervious home of the Royal School of Military Music) and the Coppermill pumping house for Thames Water