Architectural Conservation and Heritage Consultancy

Hutton +Rostron are a team of independent building conservation surveyors and scientists with special expertise in heritage building surveys and building pathology. We are proud to be a premier service provider for many areas of building investigation, building materials and remedial specification.

Our heritage building surveyors routinely work with a wide range of heritage organisations locally in Surrey as well as across the UK and overseas, having established ourselves as a leading authority in architectural conservation. Among our esteemed clientele are many well-known charities and other institutions including The Royal Household, Crown Estate, Government Ministries, the National Trust, Historic Scotland, English Heritage/Historic England, Natural England, CADW, Church Commissioners and the Heritage Lottery Fund.

Combining our extensive expertise in innovation in investigative technology and vast construction experience puts us in a unique position to contribute valuable new skills and insights to the heritage sector. We can draw on additional specialist external resources as needed, including academic research and reference laboratories.

At H+R, we are meticulous in our approach to historic structures, listed buildings and ancient monuments, which means we are ideally placed to deliver coherent, targeted advice and expert guidance for any building-related problem.

Specifically, H+R offer the following specialist services:

  • Building surveys, asset management surveys, specialist condition investigations and heritage value and significance assessments
  • Assessment of the condition of traditional materials and non-standard methods of construction
  • Specifications, schedules of work and contract administration
  • Heritage asset management, impact assessments and mitigation strategies
  • Conservation management plans
  • Planned preventive maintenance programmes and preventive conservation
  • Advice on risk management
  • Advice on ‘mothballing’ and conservation of structures under reduced occupancy to maintain historical and capital asset value
  • Conservation consultancy, training and research

What is a historic building survey?

If you are the owner or custodian of a listed property or a building manager for a heritage organisation, H+R can conduct specialist surveys to help you obtain a clear understanding of the condition and structure of your building. Our involvement can add real value, whether you are carrying out refurbishments now or require detailed information to help you plan for future works.

Our building surveys are delivered as carefully researched and compiled documents for individual historic assets. Our reports provide specific and detailed historical information as well as clear, actionable recommendations for any refurbishment or remedial work to be carried out. Our in-depth reports are trusted by Conservation Officers and are a valuable aid in statutory applications.

How do you conduct your investigations in heritage buildings?

H+R’s conservation services cover all types, sizes and ages of construction, and are especially suitable for dealing with dampness and decay problems in buildings. We fully recognise that there’s a delicate balance to be struck between the historic integrity of a building and finding an economical and practical solution to help you manage the cause of deterioration.

Uniquely, we carry out minimally invasive investigations and provide appropriate sustainable solutions that work to preserve original building materials and construction methods where they are of historical or architectural significance. Wherever possible, we use non-destructive methods to investigate a problem, from deploying our trained Rothounds to piloting drones.

Where can I see examples of your work on historic buildings?

H+R work on a broad range of different ages and types of structures, each presenting its own unique challenges. A wide selection of recently completed projects and case studies can be found here. Please get in touch to discuss your particular enquiry, query or historic building-related issue with us directly, and we will be happy to provide details.

Last but by no means least,  you may be interested to hear that our experts have written extensively on topics of technical interest. We have assembled a useful collection of leaflets, articles and other resources that you are invited to read by clicking here.

Architectural Conservation Case Studies

Geneu Store Front

Measured Survey for Historic Shopfront Relocation

Hanover Main Image

20 Hanover Square

House in Windsor

Historic Record in Windsor

18th Century Threshing Barn

18th Century Threshing Barn Timber Survey

Case Study - Decorative Interors - Main Image

Decorative Interiors Investigation, Central London

Fox Steep case study image

Timber Cladding Investigation at Fox Steep

Institute of Contemporary Art - (Heritage) - Main Image

Institution of contemporary art (12 Carlton House Terrace)

KOKO - (Heritage) - Main Image

Timber Survey at London Nightclub (KOKO)

Architectural Conservation Gallery

Need a Architectural Conservation Survey?
Get in touch today

Main Office:
Netley House, Gomshall, Guildford, Surrey, GU5 9QA

For any marketing enquiries please contact

T: 01483 203 221

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Get in Touch with H+R

For more information contact our team on 01483 203221 or request a call back by clicking on the button below.